

Your eligibility to receive federal and state financial aid requires you to meet financial and academic qualifications. Your financial eligibility is determined by your completion of the FAFSA and state aid applications each academic year. 我们建议您在线提交更新的FAFSA studentaid.gov 每年的1月1日.

Federal Title IV financial aid is awarded on the premise that the student will complete the semester for which they are receiving assistance, 并将朝着获得大学学位的方向前进. A student who withdraws from the college prior to completion of at least 60% of the semester has not earned eligibility for 100% of their aid. The federal government requires the return of the pro-rated share of original awards that the student has not earned.

除了, the federal and state agencies that provide financial aid require you to make academic progress each semester to qualify for continued assistance. 我们鼓励你向财政援助部门查询 & 退课前请到帐单办公室, 因为您的课程完成可能会影响您获得当前资金的资格, 以及以后的学期.


The college’s standards for satisfactory academic progress are used to determine a student’s academic eligibility for federal financial aid. 该标准由三个部分组成:尝试时数、通过时数和累积GPA. 进度是根据学生在JCC尝试的累计学分数来衡量的. 对于尝试小时数的每个测点(见图A), the student is required to have passed a minimum number of credits and cumulative grade point average (GPA). The previous measuring point is the basis for students who have attempted hours that fall between the measuring points until they have attempted the number of hours indicated at the next measuring point.


尝试过小时 几个小时过去了 累积QPA
6 3 1.5
12 6 1.5
18 9 1.5
24 13 1.75
30 17 1.75
36 21 1.75
42 25 2.0
48 30 2.0
54 35 2.0
60 40 2.0
66 45 2.0
72 50 2.0
78 55 2.0
84 60 2.0
90 65 2.0

学生第一次未能达到最低学业或进步标准, 该学生保留联邦财政援助资格. 然而, if the student fails to meet satisfactory grade point average standards or 几个小时过去了 standards a second time, eligibility for federal financial aid will be lost until the student can again demonstrate satisfactory academic progress in both areas. 失去经济援助资格的学生可能会, 在特殊情况下, 获得豁免以获得联邦援助. 因为从JCC毕业需要60个学时,累积平均绩点为2.00, the academic standings committee directs the registrar to identify each semester students who have attempted six credit hours or more and have a cumulative GPA or number of 几个小时过去了 which is less than those shown on Chart A. Any student identified as not meeting these minimal standards will be considered as not making satisfactory progress and will be placed on academic or progress probation. 留校察看是指累计平均成绩不足. 进度试用期只是在时间上的不足. 学业留校察看取代学业留校察看.



  • Includes courses which meet the criteria below in which a student is officially enrolled at census date. (人口普查日期大约是第三周课程的最后一天, 除了上课迟到.)
  • Any course(s) from which the student withdraws or is administratively withdrawn prior to the census date will not count toward hours attempted.
  • Any course(s) officially added to the student's enrollment after census date will be counted toward hours attempted.
  • Upon attempting 150% of the credits required to earn a degree (90 credits for a 60 credit hour degree), the student will no longer be eligible to receive federal financial aid at JCC but may have remaining eligibility at a four-year institution. 这包括所有联邦补助金、贷款和工作计划. 没有豁免. 在两年制学校攻读第二个学位的学生, 或者换了专业,需要额外课程的学生可能有进一步的资格.
  • For those students whose last "attempted hours" were attempted five (5) or more years prior to the semester being reviewed, the following will be excluded from "attempted hours" for progress evaluation: those hours attempted five or more years prior to the semester being reviewed with assigned grades of W, X, NC或受破产影响的公司.


  • 会包括D或以上字母成绩或CR成绩的课程吗, 或取得ID或以上或ICR字母成绩的计算学分.


  • 大学水平的CR/F级课程:将计入修课时数, 数小时过去了吗, 但不会用于计算GPA.
  • Imputed courses/credits (courses which are not at the college level): Imputed credit hours will count toward hours attempted and 几个小时过去了, 但不计入绩点.
  • Repeated courses: Repeats of passed courses (D or above and CR) are eligible for federal financial aid and will count toward hours attempted, 会不会影响时间的流逝, 但会影响绩点.
    重复的f有资格获得联邦财政援助,并将影响尝试的时间, 如果成功完成,是否会影响已通过的小时数, 如果通过,将影响绩点.
  • 转学分:转到JCC的学分不计入尝试时数, 几个小时过去了, 或者GPA来衡量学业进展, 但都包括在150%的最高援助规则中.
  • 未完成的成绩和学时:未完成的学时将计入尝试学时.
    Hours with a grade of incomplete will not count toward 几个小时过去了 and GPA until a final grade is assigned.
  • 审计课程和时数:审计课程不计入尝试时数、通过时数或GPA.


Students who do not meet the satisfactory academic progress standards for the second time will lose their eligibility for federal financial aid until such time as they can meet the guidelines by taking courses at their own expense. 然而, students who can document serious extenuating circumstances may request consideration for a waiver by submitting to the 金融援助 & 开票处a 豁免申请表格 explaining their circumstances and documentation supporting their circumstances from an appropriate third party before the beginning of the semester for which they are requesting the waiver. 豁免不是自动的,将根据具体情况确定.

解释令人满意的纽约州援助学业进步标准(TAP) & 进行了

学生获得纽约大学奖学金, 摘要, 或其他州奖学金必须满足纽约州满意的学术进步要求. Recent changes enacted by the NYS legislature requires different academic progress charts for students enrolled in *remedial programs, 以及那些被认为没有补救作用的. 图表B和D解释了2011-12学年的最低学业进步要求. The regulations cover the state requirements of satisfactory academic progress; enrollment requirements (coursework); and information regarding the maximum number of awards students may receive from the TAP and 摘要 state programs.

*NYS defines a remedial student as one a) whose college placement test scores indicate the need for remediation for at least two semesters, or b) who was enrolled in at least six credit hours of remedial courses in the first term they received a TAP award.

Chart B: Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid (based on full-time enrollment) for *remedial students, 或所有其他在2010-11年度之前获得第一个TAP奖项的学生

Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid (based on full-time enrollment) for *remedial students, 或所有其他在2010-11年度之前获得第一个TAP奖项的学生
认证TAP付款 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
获得的大学水平学分(不包括估算学分) 0 3 9 18 30 45
基于大学水平学分的GPA(不包括估算学分)  0 .5 .75 1.3 2.0 2.0
完成12学时课程的百分比(包括大学水平) & 估算学分) 0 50% 50% 75% 75% 100%

CHART D: Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid effective 2011-12 for non-remedial* students who received their first TAP award 2010-11 or later

Satisfactory Academic Progress for New York State Aid effective 2011-12 for non-remedial* students who received their first TAP award 2010-11 or later
缴费满意 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
获得的大学水平学分(不包括估算学分) 0 6 15 27 39 51
基于大学水平学分的GPA(不包括估算学分)   0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.0
完成12学时课程的百分比(包括大学水平) & 估算学分) 0 50% 50% 75% 75% 100%


  • 每学期全日制学习的TAP费用占6分.
  • 非全日制学习的每笔摘要费用计算3分.
  • 全日制学生可以在社区学院获得TAP和/或摘要的前36分 .
  • Part-time students may receive 摘要 at a two-year school until they have received a total of 48 points of TAP and/or 摘要.
  • NYS limits TAP/摘要 funding to the equivalent of four years of full-time study for a bachelor’s degree (total of 48 points).

大学水平vs. 估算积分- TAP

  • 计算学分不计入学分或平均绩点, 但一定要计入课程完成百分比.
  • The student must be enrolled in at least 3 college-level credits as part of their full-time load (12 credits or more) the first semester they receive TAP. NOTE: Students who receive their first TAP award in 2010-11 or later must have earned at least 6 college-level credits to receive TAP a second time.
  • 学生在第二学期和之后接受TAP, the student must be enrolled in at least 6 college-level credits as part of their full-time load (12 credits or more). 请参阅以下网赌信誉排名网站令人满意的学业进展要求的重要信息.

大学水平vs. 估算积分- 摘要

  • A student must be enrolled in at least 3 college-level credits any semester in which they receive an 摘要 award.
  • 计算学分不计入学分或平均绩点, 但一定要计入课程完成百分比.


  • Students receiving a TAP award must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits (college-level and imputed) necessary for the completion of a declared degree or certificate program approved by the state.
  • Students in their last semester of enrollment necessary for the completion of a declared degree or certificate may receive TAP if they are enrolled in 12 credits, 其中至少3个学分是完成学位所必需的大学水平学分.
  • 学生只能获得计入完成学位的学分的摘要.


  • Students receiving a TAP award must be enrolled in at least 12 new credit courses (college-level and/or imputed). A repeat of a course in which a passing grade has already been earned will not be counted as part of the 12 new credits. 然而, 重修的F级课程将计入12个新学分.
  • Students receiving an 摘要 award can only receive 摘要 for new credit hours (college-level and/or imputed). A repeat of a course in which a passing grade has already been earned will not count as new credit hours. 但是,重修一门成绩为F的课程将被计入新的学分.


  • Although enrollment in 12 new credit-hours as indicated above qualifies as full-time enrollment to receive TAP, students may need to enroll in more than 12 credits/semester to meet subsequent minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements. 复习图B & D to confirm the number of college level credits and GPA that must be attained each semester to receive the next TAP payment. 补救*学生, and others who received their first NYS TAP/摘要 award prior to 2010-11 must meet the minimum satisfactory academic progress requirements listed on CHART B- SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS FOR NEW YORK STATE AID.
  • 有效2011 - 12, non-remedial* students receiving their first NYS grant in 2010-11 or later must meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements listed on CHART D- SATISFACTORY ACADEMIC PROGRESS FOR NEW YORK STATE AID.
  • *NYS defines a remedial student as one a) whose college placement test scores indicate the need for remediation for at least two semesters, or b) who was enrolled in at least six credit hours of remedial courses in the first term they received a TAP award.


  • Students who do not meet the satisfactory academic progress standards will lose their eligibility for state financial aid until such time as they can meet the guidelines by taking courses at their own expense. 然而, students who can document serious extenuating circumstances may request consideration for a waiver by submitting the 豁免申请表格 explaining their circumstances and documentation supporting their circumstances from an appropriate third party to the 金融援助 & 在他们要求豁免的学期开始前到帐单办公室. 豁免不是自动的,将根据具体情况确定.

宾夕法尼亚州助学金(PA State Grant)学业进步标准说明

最大数量的奖励允许- PA国家补助金

  • 学生可以获得PA州助学金,直到他们积累了2.在攻读副学士学位的同时没有获得任何奖项.
  • 学生每学期获得全日制学习奖励(12个或更多学分)计算在内 .50个奖项.
  • 每学期,学生获得兼职学习奖励(6-11学时) .25个奖.

大学水平vs. 估算信贷

  • A full-time student (12 credit hours) is eligible to receive a PA State Grant for the first two semesters of study if enrolled in at least 6 college-level credits. 第三学期,全日制学生将获得州助学金, 学生必须至少修满12个大学学分.
  • A part-time student (6-11 credit hours) is eligible to receive a PA State Grant for the first two semesters of study if enrolled in at least 3 college-level credits. 第三学期,非全日制学生将获得州助学金, 学生必须至少修满6个大学学分.


  • Students receiving a full-time PA State Grant must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits (college-level and imputed) which are necessary for the completion of their declared associate degree on record at the beginning of each semester. Part-time students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits (college level and imputed) necessary for their declared associate degree.


  • 已接受的学生 a PA State Grant in a prior academic year must have passed the required minimum total number of credits for the semesters in which the grant aid was applied. 例如,一个学生获得了1.00 award accumulators for two semesters of full-time study must pass at least 24 credit hours to be eligible for subsequent PA State Grants. 已接受的学生 .50 award accumulators for two semesters of part-time study must pass at least 12 credit hours to be eligible for subsequent PA State Grants.


  • In cases where the student has failed to complete the required number credits to satisfy the academic progress requirement due to a medical condition, 家人生病, 或者其他情有可原的情况, 学生可以要求考虑PA州助学金的例外情况. 学生可以向学院财政援助部门提交一份豁免申请表 & 账单办公室用第三方的支持文件解释他们的情况. 豁免不是自动的,将根据具体情况由PA州补助金决定.